主要指標:perseverative errors, perseverative responses, percent conceptual level responses, number of categories completed, total number correct1-3。è使用此五個指標來代表執行功能,包括兩個概念(1) 觀念的形成/問題解決能力(concept formation/problem solving),the ability to comprehend the possible sorting rules;(2)固執性或靈活度(perseveration or flexibility),the ability to flexibly shift attention and response preparation from one set of rules to another4。
1. Nonperseverative errors:與問題解決能力、注意力、記憶力有關2。
2. Failures to maintain set:與注意力及記憶力有關2。
1. Greve KW, Stickle TR, Love JM, et al. Latent structure of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: a confirmatory factor analytic study. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2005;20:355-364.
2. Polgár P, Réthelyi JM, Bálint S, et al. Exeuctive function in deficit schizophrenia: What do the dimensions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test tell us? Schizophr Res 2010;122:85-93.
3. Ord JS, W. GK, Bianchini KJ, et al. Executive dysfunction in traumatic brain injury: The effects of injury severity and effort on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2010;32:132-140.
4. Heyder K, Suchan B, Daum I. Cortico-subcortical contributions to executive control. Acta Psychol 2004;115:271-289.
1. 已有5個指標的數據,還是需要特別計算? 請列出 descriptive results.
回覆刪除2. 5指標如何與2概念連結? 2概念也有數據? if so, 請列出。
3. 我們的數據請跟其它研究數據列表比較(mean, SD, minimum, maximum)
Have fun!
1. 此5個指標數據無須特別計算。descriptive results張貼在8/26 WCST 我們的數據與其它研究數據之比較。
回覆刪除2. EF之2概念無數據,但未來可考慮如何從5個指標中計算出此兩概念之數據。
3. 請詳見部落格8/26 WCST 我們的數據與其它研究數據之比較。