1. Perseverative errors
(1) Measure cognitive flexibility (set shifting)1-3
(2) Purposive action of Lezak model: action to initiate, maintain, switch, and stop sequences of complex behavior, and ability of self-regulation (including flexibility and the capacity to shift)1
2. Number of categories completed
(1) Measure abstract thinking (concept formation)4, 5、problem solving6
(2) Planning of Lezak model: conceptualize changes from present circumstance, conceive of alternatives, and develop a conceptual framework1
3. Nonperseverative errors
(1) Reasons to have nonperseverative errors: guessing, losing track of the current sorting principle, unable to inhibit the distracting stimuli in keeping attention according to the same rules, or occasionally an effort to devise a complex scheme
(2) Measure ability of inhibition7, 8
(3) Purposive action of Lezak model: action to initiate, maintain, switch, and stop sequences of complex behavior1
我的想法:在Lezak model中,較不明確提到抑制概念(inhibition),我是從Lezak所提「stop sequences of complex behavior」,我的解讀為有停止行為的能力,就可以抑制(控制)自己,不再持續從事之前動作,或者抑制自己不再接受外在干擾刺激。從停止概念而連結到抑制概念。
★ 與我採用一致指標的文獻:9, 10
★ 文獻中只採用2-3個指標,其中有兩個指標包括於我所選擇的3個指標:7, 11-16
1. Lezak MD, Howieson DB, Loring DW. Neuropsychological Assessment. 4 ed. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2004.
2. Poljac E, Simon S, Ringlever L, et al. Impaired task switching performance in children with dyslexia but not in children with autism. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 2010;63:401-16.
3. Cohen LJ, Nesci C, Steinfeld M, et al. Investigating the relationship between sexual and chemical addictions by comparing executive function in subjects with pedophilia or opiate addiction and healthy controls. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2010;16:405-12.
4. Bosia M, Anselmetti S, Pirovano A, et al. HTTLPR functional polymorphism in schizophrenia: executive functions vs. sustained attention dissociation. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2010;34:81-5.
5. Maddox WT, Filoteo JV, Glass BD, et al. Regulatory match effects on a modified Wisconsin Card Sort Task. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2010;16:352-9.
6. Severtson SG, von Thomsen S, Hedden SL, et al. The association between executive functioning and motivation to enter treatment among regular users of heroin and/or cocaine in Baltimore, MD. Addictive Behaviors 2010;35:717-20.
7. Lera-Miguel S, Andres-Perpina S, Calvo R, et al. Early-onset bipolar disorder: how about visual-spatial skills and executive functions? European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience 2011;261:195-203.
8. Lien Y-J, Yang H-J, Kuo P-H, et al. Relation of perseverative tendency and life events to depressive symptoms: findings from a prospective study in non-referred adolescents in Taiwan. Behavioral Medicine 2011;37:1-7.
9. Guillot CR, Fanning JR, Bullock JS, et al. Effects of alcohol on tests of executive functioning in men and women: a dose response examination. Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology 2010;18:409-17.
10. Breton F, Plante A, Legauffre C, et al. The executive control of attention differentiates patients with schizophrenia, their first-degree relatives and healthy controls. Neuropsychologia 2011;49:203-8.
11. Bora E, Yucel M, Pantelis C. Neurocognitive markers of psychosis in bipolar disorder: a meta-analytic study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2010;127:1-9.
12. Yatham LN, Torres IJ, Malhi GS, et al. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders-Battery for Assessment of Neurocognition (ISBD-BANC). Bipolar Disorders 2010;12:351-63.
13. Sitskoorn MM, Aleman A, Ebisch SJ, et al. Cognitive deficits inrelatives of patients with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis. Schizophr Res. 2004;71:285-295.
14. Szöke A, Schürhoff F, Mathieu F, et al. Tests of executive functions in first-degree relatives schiziphrenic patients: a meta-analysis. Psychol Med 2005;35:771-782.
15. Griebling J, Minshew NJ, Bodner K, et al. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex magnetic resonance imaging measurements and cognitive performance in autism. Journal of Child Neurology 2010;25:856-63.
16. Kim Y-T, Kwon D-H, Chang Y. Impairments of facial emotion recognition and theory of mind in methamphetamine abusers. Psychiatry Research 2011;186:80-4.
looks good.