2010年9月13日 星期一



第一堂課就被下了重藥,王榮德老師的流行病學方法論,以後每次上課前都有小考(so cool),真的符合謝老師的建議,上課前要先預習。王榮德老師說把他的書念上3遍,必定得到他一甲子的精髓,從今天的課程中就了解他充滿著豐富地知識,似乎想要在短短的兩個小時內教授他這幾年來的研究,喔!要一下子吸收這麼多,今天頭脹得很大。他上課上得很起勁,不斷地增加要補充的文獻,我會努力把他的文章好好拜讀一下,希望自己這學期可以堅持到底,了解大師所要傳授的功力。

我喜歡他今天所提characteristics of health care services compared to industry services
 He spoke out three points.
1. Patients' value requires time to prove:
What do patients really want? Survival and QOL
2. Evidence-based  requirement:
RCTs. Outcome research for safety and effectiveness for real practices.
3. Multi-disciplinary cooperation

He really talked the importance of QOL. QOL is not only for occupational therapy, but also for all health care professionals. He said all of issues could be related to QOL. He shared a lot of examples, but I was not familiar with these areas. So, it's hard for me to get the main points. Hopefully, I could get to know his ideas by reading his papers.

