2010年9月1日 星期三

中風認知測驗工具心理計量特性文獻之搜尋策略 2009~2010/9/1

1. exp *Cerebrovascular Disorders/

2. cerebr???vascular accident$.tw.

3. cerebr???vascular disorder$.tw.

4. stroke$.tw.

5. cva$.tw.

6. exp *Cognition/

7. exp *Cognition Disorders/

8. cognit$.tw.

9. neuropsycholog$.tw.

10. cognition disorder$.tw.

11. neurocogniti$.tw.

12. *Attention/

13. attention$.tw.

14. exp *Memory/

15. memor$.tw.

16. *Executive Function/

17. executive function$.tw.

18. executive control$.tw.

19. *Problem Solving/

20. problem solving.tw.

21. *Decision Making/

22. decision making.tw.

23. Methods/

24. Validation Studies/

25. Psychometrics/

26. "Outcome Assessment (Health Care)"/

27. Observer Variation/

28. Health Status Indicators/

29. "Reproducibility of Results"/

30. Discriminant Analysis/

31. instrument$.tw.

32. method$.tw.

33. psychometr$.tw.

34. clinimetr$.tw.

35. clinometr$.tw.

36. outcome assessment.tw.

37. outcome measure.tw.

38. observer variation.tw.

39. reproducib$.tw.

40. reliab$.tw.

41. unreliab$.tw.

42. valid$.tw.

43. coefficient.tw.

44. homogeneity.tw.

45. homogeneous.tw.

46. internal consistency.tw.

47. cronbach alpha$.tw.

48. item correlation$.tw.

49. item selection$.tw.

50. item reduction$.tw.

51. aggrement.tw.

52. precision.tw.

53. imprecision.tw.

54. precise value$.tw.

55. test-retest.tw.

56. stability.tw.

57. intra-rater.tw.

58. intertester.tw.

59. inter-tester.tw.

60. intratester.tw.

61. intra-tester.tw.

62. interobserver.tw.

63. inter-observer.tw.

64. intraobserver.tw.

65. intra-observer.tw.

66. intertechnician.tw.

67. inter-technician.tw.

68. intratechnician.tw.

69. intra-technician.tw.

70. interexaminer.tw.

71. inter-examiner.tw.

72. intraexaminer.tw.

73. intra-examiner.tw.

74. interassay.tw.

75. inter-assay.tw.

76. intraassay.tw.

77. intra-assay.tw.

78. interindividual.tw.

79. inter-individual.tw.

80. intraindividual.tw.

81. intra-individual.tw.

82. interparticipant.tw.

83. inter-participant.tw.

84. intraparticipant.tw.

85. intra-participant.tw.

86. kappa$.tw.

87. repeatab$.tw.

88. generali#a$.tw.

89. concordance.tw.

90. intraclass correlation$.tw.

91. known group.tw.

92. factor analys#s.tw.

93. dimension$.tw.

94. subscale$.tw.

95. multitrait scaling.tw.

96. multitrait analys#s.tw.

97. item discriminant.tw.

98. interscale correlation$.tw.

99. error$.tw.

100. individual variability.tw.

101. (variability adj5 analysis).tw.

102. variability values.tw.

103. uncertainty measur$.tw.

104. standard error of measurement.tw.

105. sensitiv$.tw.

106. responsive$.tw.

107. minimal clinically significant difference.tw.

108. minimal detectable change.tw.

109. minimal important difference.tw.

110. (minimum adj11 detectable change).tw.

111. smallest real difference.tw.

112. meaningful change.tw.

113. ceiling effect.tw.

114. floor effect.tw.

115. item response model.tw.

116. IRT.tw.

117. rasch.tw.

118. differential item functioning.tw.

119. DIF.tw.

120. computer adaptive testing.tw.

121. item bank.tw.

122. cross-cultural equivalence.tw.

123. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

124. 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22

125. 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 49 or 50 or 51 or 52 or 53 or 54 or 55 or 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 or 61 or 62 or 63 or 64 or 65 or 66 or 67 or 68 or 69 or 70 or 71 or 72 or 73 or 74 or 75 or 76 or 77 or 78 or 79 or 80 or 81 or 82 or 83 or 84 or 85 or 86 or 87 or 88 or 89 or 90 or 91 or 92 or 93 or 94 or 95 or 96 or 97 or 98 or 99 or 100 or 101 or 102 or 103 or 104 or 105 or 106 or 107 or 108 or 109 or 110 or 111 or 112 or 113 or 114 or 115 or 116 or 117 or 118 or 119 or 120 or 121 or 122

126. 123 and 124 and 125

127. Magnetic Resonance Imaging/

128. Magnetic Resonance Imaging.tw.

129. 127 or 128

130. 126 not 129

131. exp Dementia/

132. dementia.tw.

133. exp Alzheimer Disease/

134. alzheimer?? disease.tw.

135. 131 or 132 or 133 or 134

136. 130 not 135

137. limit 136 to english language

138. limit 137 to yr="2009 -Current"

139. limit 138 to humans

140. limit 139 to "all adult (19 plus years)"

141. limit 140 to (addresses or biography or case reports or comment or consensus development conference or consensus development conference, nih or directory or editorial or festschrift or interview or lectures or legal cases or legislation or letter or news or newspaper article or patient education handout or practice guideline)

142. 140 not 141

143. exp Depression/

144. depression.tw.

145. 143 or 144

146. 142 not 145

147. Intracranial Aneurysm/

148. intracranial aneurysm.tw.

149. 147 or 148

150. 146 not 149

151. Brain Injuries/

152. brain injur$.tw.

153. 151 or 152

154. 150 not 153
155. remove duplications from 154
Results: 233 articles

PS. #1~#5 stroke relevant
      #6~#22 cognition relevant
      #23~#122 psychmetrics relevant

3 則留言:

  1. 我上週就說檢索能力,3-5天即可精進了。你滿意此方面功力的進展!?

    Have a great time!

  2. 我覺得我的進展速度有點慢,尚加努力。


    I like the practice and want to make it better.

  3. 你的自我要求蠻高的,2週前,你應難以想像如此[複雜]的檢索策略??
    It takes time and effort.
