2011年12月29日 星期四

Comments in the writing course (12/29)

1. 總結construct validity是好還是不好。convergent validity好,但divergent validity有部分好,有部分不好,可參考過去文獻(model paper),總結到底construct validity好不好。
2. 在陳述"假設"部分,要使用"肯定"語氣,不能使用"may"等不確定的字句。
3. 在divergent validity之假設解釋,未能顯示因果關係,字句間的連結不夠。
4. 在表格上,沒有數據的地方要補充。
5. 要注意文字排版。

"To examine divergent validity, we assumed low correlations between the PF and MH scales, between the PF and RE scales, and between the RP and MH scales. Previous study stated that the PF and RP scales may simply explain physical health rather than mental health, and the MH and RP scales may simply explain mental health rather than physical health. The two physical health scales (i.e., the PF and RP scales) may have low correlations with the two mental health scales (i.e., the MH and RP scales). However, the RP and RE scales measured role disability, so a low correlation may not between these 2 scales. In addition, the other 4 scales (i.e., the BP, GH, VT, and SF scales) explained both physical health and mental health in varying degree, so low correlations may not be among these 4 scales."
"In brief, the construct validity of the SF-36 was supported by sufficient convergent validity of the 8 scales and sufficient divergent validity of the PF and MH scales, but not supported by insufficient divergent validity of the RP and RE scales in heroin abusers."

"To examine divergent validity, we assumed low correlations between the PF and MH scales, between the PF and RE scales, and between the RP and MH scales. These hypotheses were based on that the PF and RP scales simply explain physical health rather than mental health, and the MH and RP scales simply explain mental health rather than physical health. So, low correlations were found between the two physical health scales (i.e., the PF and RP scales) and the two mental health scales (i.e., the RE and MH scales) We did not assume a low correlation between the RP and RE scales, because these two scales measured role disability. In addition, we did not assume low correlations among other 4 scales (i.e., the BP, GH, VT, and SF scales), because these 4 scales measured both physical health and mental health in vary degree."
"In brief, the construct validity of the SF-36 was good with sufficient convergent validity and acceptable divergent validity in heroin abusers."

2 則留言:

  1. 「 在陳述"假設"部分,要使用"肯定"語氣,不能使用"may"等不確定的字句。」
