2011年12月2日 星期五

Comments in the writing course (12/1)

1. 回覆句,段落開頭要呈現"主題句",可以先描述審查者問題,然後再回答問題。
2. 假如不同意審查者之意思,寫作方式為,先寫理由,再寫結論(為什麼沒有修改內文)。


Reviewer's comments: Since the authors stressed that this manuscript specifically focuses on persons with heroin abuse, does SF-36 especially fit the needs of this population? Why? What are the different characteristics of QOL among persons with mental illness, drug abuser, heroin abuser or multidrug abuser?

Yes. Two reasons may explain that the SF-36 fits the needs of the people with heroin abuse. First, the SF-36 is a generic QOL, which is applicable to all persons irrespective of their type of diseases. Furthermore, the result of a generic QOL questionnaire (e.g., the SF-36) is useful for comparing QOL between populations. Second, the main health issues of heroin abusers are physical illness, psychiatric symptoms, and social relationships. The eight scales of the SF-36 measure these health issues. Therefore, the SF-36 is highly relevant for measuring QOL in people with heroin abuse. We have added as follow: “It measures the main health issues of heroin abusers, such as physical illness, psychiatric symptoms, and social relationships. In addition, the results of a generic HRQOL questionnaire is useful for comparing HRQOL between populations.
In general, the different populations (e.g., persons with mental illness, drug abuser, heroin abuser or multidrug abuser) have different results of QOL. Ryan & While (1996)1 compared QOL between people with mental health and heroin abusers, and found out that QOL in heroin abusers was poorer than the people with mental health, especially the domain of physical health. Puigdollers et al. (2004)2 stated that multidrug abusers had worse QOL than heroin abusers. However, comparison of the characteristics of QOL among persons with mental illness, drug abuser, heroin abuser or multidrug abuser is beyond the scope of our study. Therefore, we did not address this issue in the manuscript.


Yes. Two reasons may explain that the SF-36 fits the needs of the people with heroin abuse. First, the SF-36 is a generic QOL, which is applicable to all persons irrespective of their type of diseases. Furthermore, the result of a generic QOL questionnaire (e.g., the SF-36) is useful for comparing QOL between populations. Second, the main health issues of heroin abusers are physical illness, psychiatric symptoms, and social relationships. The eight scales of the SF-36 measure these health issues. Therefore, the SF-36 is highly relevant for measuring QOL in people with heroin abuse. We have added as follow: “It measures the main health issues of heroin abusers, such as physical illness, psychiatric symptoms, and social relationships. In addition, the results of a generic HRQOL questionnaire is useful for comparing HRQOL between populations.
Regarding to the question of the different characteristics of QOL among persons with mental illness, drug abuser, heroin abuser or multidrug abuser, generally the different populations (e.g., persons with mental illness, drug abuser, heroin abuser or multidrug abuser) have different results of QOL. Ryan & While (1996)2 compared QOL between people with mental health and heroin abusers, and found out that QOL in heroin abusers was poorer than the people with mental health, especially the domain of physical health. Puigdollers et al. (2004)3 stated that worse HRQOL was related with multidrug used. However, comparison of the characteristics of QOL among persons with mental illness, drug abuser, heroin abuser or multidrug abuser is beyond the scope of our study. Therefore, we did not address this issue in the manuscript

