2010年11月20日 星期六


Recently, a graduate student discussed her proposal with me. I found out she barely knew what research ethics. According to my experience in the US, I had some lectures talking about the research ethics and IRB (institutional review board).
I sense strongly that more and more people in Taiwan promote the concepts of research ethics actively in the academic world and teaching hospitals, especially in this year. I just have a though whether the faculties in OT department could share the concepts for the graduate students, especially give them the basic framework.

2 則留言:

  1. 醫學院有開設給研究生上的倫理課程喔!

  2. Thanks for the good information.
    我想,其實可以在現有的課程中加上一至兩次的研究倫理介紹,例如,在Advanced seminar就可以介紹一至兩次,讓研究生對IRB有基本了解。
